Google has suspended some types of business with Huawei.

The move comes in response to the US Government’s effort to blacklist Huawei around the world over allegations it poses a security risk.

Google says it has suspended all business with Huawei that requires the transfer of hardware, software and technical services. It does not apply to publicly available services offered via open source licensing.

The move means Huawei’s next generation Android smartphones will also lose access to popular services including the Google Play Store and Gmail and YouTube apps.

“Huawei will only be able to use the public version of Android and will not be able to get access to proprietary apps and services from Google,” an insider has told Reuters reporters.

A Google spokesperson has told tech reporters that the company is complying with US President Donald Trump's executive order signed last week, barring US companies from using equipment made by firms deemed to pose a national security risk.

Huawei is expected to maintain access to a version of the Android operating system available through the open source licence, known as Android Open Source Project (AOSP).

This system is available for free to anyone who wishes to use it.