EDO analysis has uncovered widespread greenwashing in major Australian sectors.

An Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) analysis has highlighted significant greenwashing among 30 major companies in Australia's energy, mining, and transport sectors. 

The EDO's recent reports scrutinise the net zero commitments and climate-related claims of these companies, finding deficiencies in meeting United Nations (UN) recommendations for legitimate net zero targets.

The EDO’s Corporate and Commercial team assessed the companies' claims against the principles set by the UN High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities. 

The findings reveal a pattern of broad net zero claims lacking crucial details and transparency.

The reports identify several key issues:

  • Ambiguity about which emissions are included in the companies' net zero claims

  • Insufficient clarity on the methods used to calculate and report emission reductions

  • A lack of reliance on credible pathways to achieve net zero

  • Inconsistent approaches across companies, making it difficult for consumers and investors to compare performance accurately

The analysts say that without credible net zero commitments, companies cannot demonstrate how they will achieve their climate goals. 

“Consumers may be misled by bold claims that have no foundation, and a lack of credible net zero commitments can ultimately undermine public trust,” the EDO says.

The agency has produced separate reports for transport (PDF), mining (PDF) and energy (PDF).