Archived News for Finance Sector Professionals - July, 2021
The changing climate is costing every farm, on average, $30,000 every year, experts say.
Crown concedes small tax bill
Crown has agreed to pay $61 million worth of unpaid taxes in Victoria.
NGA returning ill-gotten works
The National Gallery of Australia (NGA) has announced its largest repatriation of art yet.
Women lead MBA intake
A major business school in the US says a majority of incoming MBA candidates will be women.
Labour hire consuming service
Outsourcing now makes up about 20 per cent of the Federal Government's spending on public service wages.
Anti-rort efforts launched
A new bill would require federal politicians to explain themselves when they go against their own departments.
ACCC to probe general giants
The ACCC is examining competition and consumer concerns with big online retail marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, Kogan and Catch.
KPMG to check NBN subs' pay
Experts have been brought in to audit the pay regime for NBN subcontractors.
Foreign student loss tallied
Australia’s loss of over 100,000 foreign students in the past financial year could cost up to $6 billion to the economy.
NAB survey shows cash stress
A survey by a major bank suggests Australians are becoming more financially and mentally distressed.
Stats show JobKeeper profits
Government stats show hundreds of thousands of businesses increased their turnover while receiving JobKeeper payments last year.
ANAO exposes park-barrelling
The Audit Office has once again found the Coalition allocated funding to marginal seats it wants to win.
Sport rort report stays hidden
The Federal Government is working hard to keep a report on the ‘sports rorts’ affair away from the media.
EU tariffs could hurt local firms
Australia risks falling on the unhelpful side of new European Union (EU) carbon tariffs.
ASIC ends AMP fee probe
No criminal charges will be laid in relation to AMP Financial Planning’s alleged fees-for-no-service conduct.
Legal action over Ausgrid deal
ASIC has accused Westpac of insider trading and unconscionable conduct in relation to the privatisation of NSW energy assets.
ATO chasing COVID cheats
The ATO is chasing fraudulent or ineligible claims for COVID-19 measures like JobKeeper and super withdrawal.