The iron price has dropped again, and Andrew Forrest is having trouble finding friends to fix it.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for global support on Beijing's ideas for a new development bank, and Australia may take him up.

The Reserve Bank has issued a warning to investors amid overinflated prices that continue to climb.

ASIC say it needs access to private telecommunications to function properly.

As the Federal Government pushes for better standards for financial planners, it appears very likely that university degrees will be required soon.

Global finance giant Bloomberg has joined with the Australian Government on a $100 million health program.

A plan to scrap big life insurance commissions could see an end to the careers of many financial planners.

A Federal Parliamentary committee has slammed the Federal Government's Asset Recycling program.

Business simulation experiments have shown simple interventions could increase compliance by company directors whose companies are undergoing liquidation.

Robots will change the Australian workforce in the next decade, according to some.

Leighton Holdings is changing its name to avoid corruption allegations.

A furore is forming over a UBS report into the election promises of the NSW Liberal party.

Members of the superannuation sector have warned about the risks of relying on technology and robo-advisers.

Insiders say planners are using generous superannuation fund group insurance deals to get cover for people who would otherwise not be accepted.

The Federal Government’s data retention bill passed the lower house last week, and could soon give authorities new access to the telecommunications data of financial planners.

Last Thursday was national Close The Gap day, and while events were on around the country to address Indigenous inequality, the Prime Minister’s top Indigenous advisor had some harsh words for his boss.

The Victorian Government may move its future budget announcements to avoid being blindsided by the Federal Government.

There is strong speculation that the Federal Government will switch its stance against a big Chinese bank, in the hope of securing money for infrastructure.

The Greens want the ACCC to block TPG's buy-out of iiNet.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has stockbrokers and investment advisers in its cross-hairs.

The Business Council of Australia (BCA) says the Federal Government is jeopardising jobs by holding research funding “hostage” while it tries to intervene in the university sector.

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